Plasma Fibroblast Therapy

Plasma fibroblast therapy is a nonsurgical procedure that uses microcharges of plasma energy to tighten up and lift sagging skin. Plasma Fibroblast also stimulates fibroblast and collagen production for improved facial lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation. This treatment is relatively new to the aesthetic treatment scene, but it’s gaining popularity. It’s safe, effective, and affordable, and it can rival surgical procedures without the risk of surgery or recovery time.

Anti-Aging Treatments

It’s a nonsurgical treatment. Plasma fibroblast therapy is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that uses an energy discharge to create small wounds in the skin. These wounds encourage cells known as fibroblasts to repair and maintain skin firmness and tightness.

It is also a less invasive option than some other cosmetic procedures and may allow for faster healing and recovery times. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of plasma fibroblast therapy.

Fibroblasts are a type of cell that secretes collagen proteins in the skin’s dermis layer. This helps improve skin elasticity, prevent wrinkles, and reduce the volume of excess skin.

It’s less invasive than other cosmetic procedures. The Plasma Fibroblast treatment is a nonsurgical skin tightening cosmetic procedure (soft surgery method) that delivers results that are comparable to surgical methods. It is much less invasive than laser, injection or surgical techniques to tighten and lift the skin and provides long-lasting results without the risk of anesthesia, stitches, swelling, prolonged downtime or possible complications.

During the treatment, a trained professional uses a pen-like device that releases a hot current just above the skin. This creates a small hole or microinjury in the skin’s surface that stimulates cells known as fibroblasts to repair and regenerate the skin.

These fibroblasts produce collagen and proteins, which are important for maintaining the skin’s firmness and tightness. As a result, the treatment helps eliminate wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It also reduces scarring and stretch marks. It can be used to treat any area of the body where excess skin is present, including the neck, abdomen, and face.

Plasma fibroblast therapy is a safe, nonsurgical treatment that can help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. It works by targeting fibroblasts—cells that produce collagen and protein in the skin’s dermis.

The procedure involves using a pen-like device that releases high-frequency electric currents into tiny portions of the skin tissue. These electric arcs create micro-injuries that force the body to produce more collagen and tighten the skin.

While the process doesn’t cause serious side effects like keloids or hypertrophic scarring, it can have minor discomfort during and after treatment. Your Be CLINICAL provider will apply topical numbing cream during the procedure to minimize pain and discomfort.

After your plasma fibroblast treatment, you may notice swelling and crust spots around the treated area that will scab over and flake off within a week or so. You should not rub off these scabs until they have healed. During this time, you should keep the area clean and protected with a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

It’s effective. The Plasma Fibroblast treatment is an effective, nonsurgical skin tightening procedure that can be used to improve sagging skin on the face and other parts of the body. This technique targets fibroblasts, which are collagen and protein-producing cells in the dermis.

The process starts with a specially-designed device (usually shaped like a pen) that releases a heat current into the skin. This creates small holes in the top layer of skin, which encourages new collagen to form.

This results in a reduction of sagging skin and increased elasticity. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles and can improve acne scars.

The treatment lasts anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours, depending on the size of the area being treated. A topical numbing cream is usually applied before the procedure. Then, the plasma fibroblast device is moved over the desired areas of concern.